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Stainless Steel Items For Sale and Wanted

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Victori Medical - #1 Source for Beds, Stretchers & OR Tables

With over 20 years industry experience Victori Medical is your leading medical & surgical equipment provider. Supplying used, professionally refurbished & new equipment. Contact us at sales@victorimedical.com or call 847.337.9787

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Gumbo Medical (702)834-4498 Quality equipment at affordable pricing!

Industry best refurbished stretchers, beds, exam tables/chairs, OB/GYN and surgical equipment plus much more from trusted brands such as Hill-Rom, Stryker and Midmark. Email info@gumbomedical.com for an unbeatable quote today! www.gumbomedical.com

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March 12

Asking Price:
$114 USD

Dave Lux / AA Medical
phone: +1 (952) 955-6373
March 12

Asking Price:
$60 USD

AA Medical
phone: +1 (952) 955-6373

SURGICAL TRAYS (MedtronicTray) Medtronic Tray Set For Sale

Bon état, quelques signes d'utilisation/ usure présents sur l'unité. Vient avec les articles montrés sur les photos. Veuillez voir les photos pour plus de détails sur l'état, vendu tel quel.... view more

March 12

Asking Price:
$95 USD

AA Medical
phone: +1 (952) 955-6373

POLAR WARE 1002HPT Stainless Steel Pan/Tray For Sale

Polar Ware 1002HPT Stainless Steel Pan/Tray.... view more

March 11

Asking Price:
$35 USD

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Stretcher Rentals

50+ Stretchers in stock for immediate rentals. Contact us for a today for a quote.

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March 11  
Dave Lux / AA Medical
phone: +1 (952) 955-6373
DOTmed text ad

Piedmont Medical, Inc. - Hospital Beds, Stretchers & More - (800)433-3255

Piedmont Medical is the #1 reconditioner of Hospital beds & stretchers in the healthcare industry. Our team of professionals is focused on providing quality workmanship, short lead times & unbeatable service, worldwide. We make our own replacement parts!

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TUTTNAUER Clean & Simple Basket For Sale

Tuttnauer Panier en Acier Inoxydable - Équipement Médical de Haute Qualité... view more

March 11

Asking Price:
$111 USD
Dealer Pricing

MFI Medical
phone: +1 (800) 633-1558

METROSONICS Lionville 64 Drawer Medication Med Cart 2 Side Pharmacy Crash Stand w/ Key For Sale

br vocab="" typeof="Product"> Here is a Metro Lionville 64 drawer medical cart. It is ready to use as soon as you receive it. This is a double sided , double door cart with the KEY. This unit is... view more

March 11

Asking Price:
$1,139 USD

Cliff Godlevsky / Budget Medical
phone: +1 (520) 709-0315

PHELAN MANUFACTURING CORP Add A Step Stand Stainless Steel O.R. Step Stool For Sale

Item # 329107 Title: Phelan Manufacturing Corp. Add A Step Stand Stainless Steel O.R. Step Stool Manufacturer: Phelan Manufacturing Corp. Model: Description: Add A Step Stand Stainless Steel... view more

March 10

Asking Price:
$840 USD

Ali Rehman / Tekyard LLC
phone: +1 (410) 999-4982

MAYO type tool table For Sale

Reconditioned (used), Technical condition: very good, Visual condition: very good, Real photos of the product, Manual height adjustment of the tabletop in the range: 80 - 130 cm, Top with rim,... view more

March 10  
Lukas Prais / PRAISTON
phone: +48 665345001
DOTmed text ad

Sales & Service of New / Pre-Owned Medical Equip – CERTIFIED. 208-429-1138

We pride ourselves on QUALITY service and repair. We specialize in Invivo MRI monitors, Slush Machines, Autoclaves, ESUs, Infusion Pumps, Hypothermia units, and much more. Please email us at sales@magmedical-equip.com /call us at 208-429-1138 (Ext. 109).


Free Standing/wall mounted Stainless Steel Cabinet For Sale

VEUILLEZ LIRE LA LISTE DÉTAILLÉE MONTRANT CE QUE NOUS AVONS DISPONIBLE. Nous avons plusieurs tailles et styles d'armoires en acier inoxydable. Certains ont des portes pleines, des portes vitrées... view more

March 10  

BLICKMAN CCC-2 Case Cart For Sale

Chariot polyvalent Blickman en acier inoxydable, modèle CCC-2, complet avec 2 étagères coulissantes en fil d'acier inoxydable.... view more

March 10

Asking Price:
$925 USD

AA Medical
phone: +1 (952) 955-6373
Per Page

Stainless Steel Items

Stainless steel is widely used in the manufacturing of medical equipment due to its exceptional strength, durability, and resistance to corrosion. It is a popular choice for various medical instruments and devices, such as surgical tools, implants, diagnostic equipment, and laboratory instruments. Stainless steel items in the medical field are crucial for ensuring hygiene, maintaining sterility, and withstanding frequent sterilization processes.

One of the primary uses of stainless steel in medical equipment is for surgical instruments. Scalpels, forceps, retractors, and scissors are commonly made from stainless steel due to its ability to maintain sharpness, resist staining, and withstand repeated sterilization. Stainless steel implants, such as joint replacements and orthopedic screws, are also prevalent in the medical field. These implants are biocompatible, meaning they do not cause adverse reactions in the body, and their corrosion resistance ensures long-term functionality.

The price range for stainless steel medical equipment varies depending on the complexity and purpose of the item. Basic surgical instruments like forceps or scalpels can range from $10 to $100 per piece. More specialized instruments or implants can have a higher price range, with joint replacements, for example, ranging from several hundred to several thousand dollars. The cost also depends on the manufacturer, quality, and any additional features or customization required.

Some well-known manufacturers in the stainless steel medical equipment space include Medtronic, Johnson & Johnson, Stryker Corporation, B. Braun Melsungen AG, and Zimmer Biomet Holdings. These companies have a long-standing reputation for producing high-quality medical equipment, including stainless steel instruments and implants, and often collaborate with healthcare professionals to develop innovative solutions for various medical needs.