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Module Rack For Sale and Wanted

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Med Equip - The Best Source for Refurbished Medical Equipment #1 Patient Monitor Supplier

Most reliable source for New & Re-certified Anesthesia GA machines, Gas & Patient monitors, Syringe pumps, Ventilators Defibrillators & AEDs, accessories for Electro-surgical, Defib pads & batteries & parts. Contact +1 (888) 777-4814 or sales@med-equip.ca

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Auction Alert - Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Laboratory Equipment Closing February 25th

A Variety of Med Lab & Cosmetic Surgery Equipment Consolidated for Convenience of Sale. 81 Hamburg Turnpike, Riverdale, NJ 07457. Interested? Please call 908.789.9999/ 973.332.8472-AJ Willner Auctions

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Clean Sweep

GE B850 Module Rack


14 days, 4 hours +

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Clean Sweep

GE Tram-RAC4A Module Rack


14 days, 4 hours +

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SPACELABS MEDICAL ULTRAVIEW SL 91387 "The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on... view more

March 13  
Matin Kondori / SakoMed
phone: +1 (844) 433-7256
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Quality Pre-Owned Patient Monitors from Med One Group. Call (800)248-5882

With a large in-house inventory of Patient Monitors, Med One Group provides purchase, rental, and lease options with customizable solutions. We provide biomed services, and our equipment arrives patient ready.


PHILIPS REF M8040-60101 Module Rack For Sale

Philips REF M8040-60101, FMS-8 Module Rack Universal Mounting Bracket Disclaimer: "The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and... view more

March 13

Asking Price:
$43 USD
$39 USD (10% Off)

Jay Nathwani / 52999 Inc.
phone: +1 (501) 531-2547

SIEMENS 04775727 Module Rack For Sale

Siemens 04775727 Stand Control Module Disclaimer: "The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. If so,... view more

March 13

Asking Price:
$1,199 USD

52999 Inc.
phone: +1 (501) 531-2547

SIEMENS 04775768 Module Rack For Sale

Siemens 04775768 Table Control Module IPX4 Rev... view more

March 13

Asking Price:
$1,475 USD

52999 Inc.
phone: +1 (501) 531-2547

PHILIPS M8048A Module Rack For Sale

Philips M8048A FMS Rack avec câble et support sur poteau Nous en avons plus de 75 en stock, testés Biomed avec une garantie de 90 jours Appelez pour une remise sur... view more

March 13

Asking Price:
$300 USD

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Pioneer Biomedical – The #1 Solution for All Your Patient Monitor Needs!

Our expert team provides prompt, dependable solutions for rentals, sales and repairs on patient monitors, gas modules, telemetry and more! We focus on producing superior results and providing first-class customer service. Call (888) 644-3274.


HEWLETT PACKARD 1041A rack - Viridia Module Rack For Sale

Comprend un support sur poteau. En très bon état Vend également avec les marques Agilent et Philips. D'autres modules de ce type, moniteurs à écran plat et accessoires sont disponibles dans ma... view more

March 13

Asking Price:
$39 USD
Dealer Pricing

HEWLETT PACKARD Philips Agilent M1276A Viridia Module Rack For Sale

Support à 6 modules. La photo 3 montre un deuxième rack disponible avec le câble de communication vu sur la photo. Photos supplémentaires disponibles sur demande ainsi que certains composants... view more

March 13

Asking Price:
$30 USD
Dealer Pricing

Eco Med Inc.
phone: +1 (630) 729-4816
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PM BioMedical. Patient Monitoring Made Easy.

Whether you're looking to purchase, repair, or rent monitoring devices, we've got you covered with our wide range of high-quality products and our exceptional customer service 800-777-6467 sales@pmbiomedical.com

March 13

Asking Price:
$133 USD

March 13

Asking Price:
$60 USD

March 13

Asking Price:
$95 USD

Per Page

Module Rack

Module rack equipment is a type of equipment used to store and organize computer equipment, such as servers, switches, and other networking devices. It is typically used in data centers, server rooms, and other areas where large amounts of equipment need to be organized and stored. Module rack equipment is made up of several components, including racks, shelves, and power distribution units. The racks are designed to hold the equipment securely and are typically constructed from steel or aluminum. Shelves are used to store items such as cables, tools, and other accessories. Power distribution units are used to provide power to the equipment and are typically mounted on the back of the rack.

Module rack equipment can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, depending on the size and features of the equipment. Major manufacturers of module rack equipment include Dell, HP, IBM, and Cisco. These companies offer a wide range of products, from basic racks to more advanced systems with features such as cooling systems, redundant power supplies, and remote management capabilities.