Over 1350 Total Lots Up For Auction at Two Locations - NJ Cleansweep 03/27, FL 03/31

Polysomnograph Parts and Accessories For Sale and Wanted

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BAK ELECTRONICS PreAmp & Impedance Tester Polysomnograph Parts For Sale

Part Number: AD-3 DIS-1
analog Delay / Windows Discriminator

J'ai deux ensembles de ces modules. Ils sont venus avec d'autres équipements BAK qui ont été vendus. On pense qu'ils sont en bon état de fonctionnement, mais ils ont près de 30 ans.Selon le... view more

March 08

Asking Price:
$199 USD

WEINMANN Somnocheck Polysomnograph Parts For Sale

Part Number: WM94051

Polysomnograph... view more

February 24  
Paul Keller / MOONS GmbH
phone: +43 0316228110
February 24  
Paul Keller / MOONS GmbH
phone: +43 0316228110

CIDELEC CID 102 Polysomnograph Parts For Sale

Part Number: 17091532

Polysomnographe CID... view more

February 24  
Paul Keller / MOONS GmbH
phone: +43 0316228110
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Polysomnograph equipment is a type of medical device used to monitor and diagnose sleep disorders. It is used to measure and record a person's brain waves, breathing, heart rate, and other physiological activities during sleep. This type of equipment is typically used in sleep clinics and hospitals to diagnose and treat sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and restless leg syndrome.

Polysomnograph equipment is available from a variety of manufacturers, including Philips Respironics, Compumedics, Nihon Kohden, and Cadwell. Prices for these devices range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars depending on the features and capabilities of the device. The cost of the equipment also depends on the type of sleep study being conducted and the number of channels of data being monitored. Generally, the more channels of data being monitored, the more expensive the equipment.